TERRA ZIPORYN is an award-winning novelist, playwright, and science writer. A former associate editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), she is the author of many popular health and medical publications including The New Harvard Guide to Women’s Health, Nameless Diseases, and Alternative Medicine for Dummies, as well as the novels Permanent Makeup, Do Not Go Gentle, The Bliss of Solitude, and Time’s Fool, the latter of which won the Maryland Writer’s Association’s first prize for historical novels. Terra attended both the Bread Loaf Writers Conference and the Old Chatham Writers Conference and for many years was a member of the Theatre Building Chicago’s Writers Workshop (New Tuners). Terra has a BA in both history and biology from Yale University, where she studied playwriting with Ted Tally, and a PhD in the history of science and medicine from the University of Chicago where she focused on the relationship between science and society–a topic that runs through much of her subsequent work. She has won numerous honors for her efforts to make science accessible to the public, including the American Medical Writers Association Award for Excellence in Medical Communication for a Lay Audience, a AAAS Mass Media Science Fellowship, an American Chemical Society Science Writing Fellowship, a Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole Science Writing Fellowship, and the Sleep Research Society’s 2022 Public Service Award. Terra is also Co-founder and Executive Director of a non-profit public health advocacy organization (Start School Later/Healthy Hours) with nearly 150 chapters around the world.